People like us : Chima Daniel

We were born in the street,
across down town street.
And it was bitter and sweet,
yet we're the souls everyone want to greet.

We faced the daily heat,
graced the daily hustle for meat.
And got presents of blows and beats,
yet we came out neat.

We were sands beneath feet,
the mud you don't want to meet.
Now we ride in convoy and fleets,
you want to follow our every tweets.

We were awake when you were asleep.
We grinded, pounded, dug to reach the deep.
Now we have a well of fortune to keep,
we can liberate any enslaved sheep.

People like us have heart that sees.
We are willing to pay the ransom fees,
until all men are largely free
like birds that can perch on any tree.

We won't judge you by your deeds
because the streets sowed the seeds.
But you can get rid of greed
so that people like us can be your unending feed.

We know you've been through shit,
and have felt the blows of many hit.
But people like us ain't perturbed any bit,
because all the hits will make you fit.

©~Chima Daniel

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