Tempted are my thoughts! : Dead Psychic

Tempted are my thoughts!
Broken I am,
With the lies you told.
Once more in darkness,
I am thrown away as trash.
Broken are my paths,
With no sign of destiny,
I have lost myself,
Once more in the maze of life.
Thought you were the light!
But no, you were another scam,
Played by life to laugh at me again.
Wounded I was,
But now, I am in verge of death!
One step away from killing myself,
Because I can't live with lie anymore,
That loving someone truly, heals you!
But it is the opposite.
Love is only about pain and hurt,
That I have understood!
So I am back to the old days,
To fight and live again in darkness,
And I will make peace with it.
Just a request I have to everyone,
Never ever make me believe about love.
And that I can be loved once again,
Because I can't live in lie anymore!
©Dead Psychic

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