We bought only crumbs : Chima Daniel

We are from the city of plenty,
a town where zero is twenty.
We are blest with more than enough,
yet we embraced a life of rough and tough.

We worship suffering
with tithe and offering.
And formed a lasting friendship
with scarcity and hardship.

We went shopping in the market
and saw groceries in great pumps.
But we were bamboozled by a mere sweet packet
and we bought only crumbs.

And we prided in our brainless decision,
arguing with great precision.
And we celebrated confusion
amidst our sanity in diffusion.

Is this an act of humility
or a show of stupidity?
This is irresponsibility,
a display of character invalidity..

This can only be undone
if we transform the crumbs
into an invaluable asset
highly sought by all.

©~Chima Daniel

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