Men are men.., they are like "Rain"...!: Divya Bharti
Men are men.., they are like "Rain"...!: |
Men are menFollow Divya Bharti on Instagram
they are like rain
not all r same
believe in him
really they r men..!
we love the rain, right?
we're trying to hate his presence,
why were denying his importance,
why we'll not miss his absence?
exactly they r men.
n men r men..!
Rain comes with clouds
as like men come with hope,
rain go but brings the water
as like father go outside for a whole day
but brings happiness for a family
Rain will save u from drought
as like brother save u from others right?
Rain is so sweet
as like the son of any mother,
Rain makes us alive
and men support us to live otherwise,
sometimes, over rain turns into a flood which r harmful too,
but still, we love the rain,
then, why not we r love them?
n respect them?
they r human,
they have a burden,
they r responsible,
they r special,
they have tears,
they have problems,
Afterall also,
his heart r full of emotions,
70% of homicide victims r men,
40% of Domestic abuse victims r men,
85% homeless r men,
76% of suicides r men,
they r men,
not all r same,
Men r men,
they r like rain..!
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